Ph. 0039 055 782758
Fax. 0039 055 783331
P. IVA: 02008090488
Fiorenza floor it is a revolutionary system to create new decorated floors with thickness resins. Through the use of special athoxic water based resins, suitably charged with selected marble and quartz granulated, it is possible create a continuous undercoat suitable for to be decorated with our products “Fiorenza — L’arte del decoro” and successively protected with a high performance poliurethanic glaze. The cycle, utilizing the special “pottery primer”, is suitable for the recovery of old bricks floors, potteryes without removing it and have this important characteristics :
· Excellent grip
· Good elasticity
· Excellent hardness of surface
· High endurance to time wear
· Easy cleaning, do not hold dirtiness on surface
· Excellent endurance to water
· Excellent endurance to not aggressive thinners
· Good permeability to going up humidity
· Diluting with normal water
· Polishing of instruments with normal water
· Large range of effects
It is suggested, before apply these products over cement or reinforced concrete, verify the humidity gradient of surface (intended as surface to be painted). This gradient should not exceed 5%. In case of new floors they have to be seasoned at least 4/5 months before to be painted.
These paints do not to be applied with 10°C lower temperatures and 60% of ambient humidity.
do not apply in these conditions.
1. It is needed make a preventive and careful cleaning of surface with mechanic smoothing; if dirty for greasy or oily should be removed with detergent or solvent.
2. Cover with stucco possible cracks or clefts.
3. To apply over pottery tiled floors, these have to be all excellent adhesive.
4. In this conditions, it is possible proceed to apply one undercoat of “Pottery Primer” with brush or roll
5. Around 3 hours later, spread on floor the “Link Primer” coarse grain. Apply with stainless steel spatula having careful to spread uniformly without create depressions or steps.
6. When dry, apply with same modality another coat of “Link Primer” medium grain.
7. When dry, smooth with same modality a coat of “Smoothing Stucco for Floor”.
8. Now the floor is ready to be decorated with the “Fiorenza-L’arte del Decoro” products. Once chosen the selected effect, apply it following the technical schedules.
9. Apply at least two coats of “poliurethanic glaze for floors”
10. The treated floor will be able to be trample in 12 hours.
0= damaged surface — 5= no visible changment