Ph. 0039 055 782758
Fax. 0039 055 783331
P. IVA: 02008090488
Since long time human beings are aware of colors and scents and how they influence mood, mind and health. Unfortunately modern human beings know well the different feeling between the smelly gray of the city and the calming scented shine of the sea or wood. For these reasons it is simple to value natural medicine theories, according to colors and scents that can condition positively emotions, health and behaviour. The greatest commercial companies too, since many years, employ great resources to the application of this principles. Also some hospitals use this theories to help the traditional therapeutic process. Today is possible to apply the chromo-aroma principles in the everyday life using our “Décor-Active” paints, integrating the right long term scent and colors. These paints will transform the general atmosphere of working ambient, single room or the whole house. The choice of correct scent and color mix can voice and improve moods, behaviour and vision for those who come in contact with
The constant research of innovations and the push to be more aware of the instruments that we can use nowadays, pushes us on the research of professional figures who can support theoretic and practical development of this revolutionary kind of transpiring paints. Therefore we avail our-self to advice of Lidia Costa, herbalist graduated in Urbino’s Univesity and expert in aromathology, for the study of aroma/color association and consequent stimulation and function in the buildings.
We can also provide by request the consultation of Doc. Morrocchesi, student of Feng-Shui master J. Yu, W. Spear, R. Lo, M. Kushi and founder of the first “Feng-Shui therapy” school in Italy.